“We’re All In This Together” – A PSCC Ad Hoc Committee

The advocacy component of the PSCC mission, and the award of a grant from the NYC Department for the Aging through the office of Councilmember Brad Lander, propelled the creation of a PSCC ad hoc team effort to develop program activities valuable to a wide spectrum of age groups. Mindful of the fact that we are neither a service provider nor a full time staffed organization, the team has created a menu of programs/projects for the coming spring and early summer that build on our connections to direct service agencies, the feedback from civic partners about questions related to eldercare, our personal connections with instructors and artists skilled in interactive work, and our ability (through our website) to identify public accessibility problems equally challenging to toddlers, their parents and their grandparents.

Follow the News/Blog or Community page to learn more about these programs as they roll out.