Arts Festival Comes to Park Slope!

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Coming to Park Slope for the first time this September is Art Slope; a free, public, interactive, participatory Arts Festival, to be held from September 17-25, 2016. Inspired by successful art festivals, ranging from Figment to Documenta, Art Slope is being created by the Park Slope Civic Council in order to engage and showcase the work of our wide variety of artists, writers and performers. It will draw from a rich trove of local artists, arts organizations and venues to create a 9-day celebration of visual, literary and performing arts. Venues will include outdoor installations in Prospect Park and a wide variety of art and performances throughout Park Slope, in retail and commercial spaces, pop-up galleries, and the outdoor front yards and facades of private homes. It will provide a walkable art experience that is shareable with people of all ages and backgrounds in the community. The participating artists will encompass a full range of economic, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, many of whom have had few opportunities to overlap and collaborate. Brooklyn residents in and around Park Slope feel strongly about incorporating art into their daily environments, and this is a chance to share that passion on a large scale.

Check the art slope website for ongoing updated info:

We are currently in the planning stages and are seeking volunteers and sponsors. If you would like to be part of this groundbreaking event, please contact us at We have several tiers of sponsorship available and an ever increasing hosting and advisory panel.

Press on the event:

Article appearing on the DNAinfo website

Our Great Sponsors