Donna Stein

Donna Stein, President

Donna and her husband Mark moved to Park Slope in 2019. She was born in Brooklyn and has been a New Yorker her whole life, except for a 20-year period starting in the mid-1990’s when she lived in Boston and raised her three children there. She had a diverse career, including many years in the fine jewelry business and then as a sales manager in corporate and private event catering.

Donna has been involved in a wide variety of nonprofit activities that range from leading Mom’s groups for new mothers to being a Board Member for several years with Jewish Family & Children’s Services. She currently volunteers with Big Apple Greeters, a nonprofit whose mission is to enhance New York City’s worldwide image and enrich the New York experience by connecting visitors with knowledgeable and enthusiastic volunteers who show visitors their favorite NYC neighborhoods on foot.

Donna is very excited to be part of the PSCC community and work side by side with other trustees to make our neighborhood the best it can be.

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