Supporting Our Local Graduates
Every year the Park Slope Civic Council awards a Scholarship for Community Service to one college-bound high school senior from each of the four secondary schools at the John Jay Educational Complex who exemplify significant community and volunteer service. Scholarships are possible as a result of the proceeds from private donations and the Civic Council’s food and drink tasting fundraising event, Food For Thought. They are awarded every June at the Civic Council’s general membership meeting where school staff, administrators, parents and families are invited to attend and share in this proud and moving event.
The scholarship award harkens back to the days of the Manual Training High School (now the John Jay Educational Complex) in the early 1960’s, when the Civic Council would present one or two modest awards of a few hundred dollars each. In subsequent years, the scholarship sponsorships were funded and awarded in the names of Rosemarie and Francis Kazeroid, Mary Laverne Allman, and Evelyn and Everett Ortner. In the last decade, the Civic Council has increased the scholarship award amount to $2,500 per recipient, due to generous pledges from sponsors, civic council members, and Food for Thought proceeds.
2024 Scholarship Awardees

To learn more please contact the scholarships committee at scholarships@parkslopeciviccouncil.org.