ExCom Mtg

the venue 1234 Main Street, brooklyn, United States

Committee Officers only, please Note: time & place available on request

Outreach Comm. meeting

Lion in the Sun 232 7th Ave. (@ 4th St.), Brooklyn, NY, United States

Monthly meeting - 2nd Tues. of every month

Outreach Comm. meeting

Lion in the Sun 232 7th Ave. (@ 4th St.), Brooklyn, NY, United States

Monthly meeting - 2nd Tues. of every month

Outreach Comm. meeting

Lion in the Sun 232 7th Ave. (@ 4th St.), Brooklyn, NY, United States

Monthly meeting - 2nd Tues. of every month

Outreach Comm. meeting

Lion in the Sun 232 7th Ave. (@ 4th St.), Brooklyn, NY, United States

Monthly meeting - 2nd Tues. of every month