At the Earth Day Civic Sweep on April 14, the Civic Council launched the centerpiece of its “Healthy Trees Project,” selling its newly designed “Curb Your Dog” tree bed sign. The sign, which costs for $25, is polite and unobtrusive, in contrast to signs that use images and/or words that many people find offensive. It represents an opportunity for homeowners and businesses with street trees to enhance the look of their tree bed and, at the same time, to encourage dog owners to avoid fouling them.
The new sign is one element of the “Healthy Trees Project.” Led by the Council’s Trees Committee, the Project emphasizes that well-maintained tree beds are vital for the health and long-term survivability of Park Slope’s more than 5,000 street trees. We also have a flyer on how to care for your tree bed. The flyer notes that even small steps like loosening and conditioning the soil twice a year can significantly improve the health and resilience of our trees. The flyer also discusses who to plant flowering plants in tree beds, install tree guards and expand existing beds, tree repairs.
You can order the tree bed sign here and download the flyer here.