Candace Woodward, Trustee, presented the Lovgren awards at the PSCC’s Annual Meeting June 2. Each year since 1979, the Park Slope Civic Council has honored people or organizations for their outstanding service to the community. The awards, one for a volunteer, and other for professional service, are named for George Lovgren, the Park Slope activist who in the 1960s worked tirelessly to save the Union Street Firehouse from closure. The awards epitomize the Civic Council’s philosophy – that it’s people caring about their community who make Park Slope a great place to live.
Mark Caserta
Mark Caserta, Executive Director of the 5th Avenue BID received the Lovgren Award for Professional Service.
Mark helped build the Park Slope 5th Avenue BID into one of the most innovative and connected small business communities in New York City. He has been appointed Executive Director of Business Recovery.by the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce.
SJ Avery and Grace Freedman
SJ Avery and Grace Freedman, co-chairs of Forth on Fourth Avenue received the Lovgren Award for Volunteer Service. They have worked since 2013 to transform Fourth Avenue, connecting the Park Slope and the Gowanus communities and helping bring a protected bike lane along the avenue.