Mulch Success for a Greener Park Slope

Mulchfest-graphicsThis year’s Mulchfest in Prospect Park was another success for a greener Park Slope. Over the Jan. 12-13 weekend, residents brought to the park’s Third Street and Park Circle entrances thousands of Christmas trees, which were then converted into mulch for parks and gardens.

Co-sponsored by the Park Slope Civic Council’s Sustainability Committee in partnership with the Prospect Park Alliance and 1-800-Mr. Rubbish, the annual event brings the community together in an effort to collect the trees once the holidays are over and turn the “waste” into something more environmentally friendly.

Our thanks also go to the many volunteers — including members of the Park Slope Food Coop– who helped gather trees from across the neighborhood and bring them to the collections sites.

“Our total tree count for the weekend was a whopping 2,294 trees,” said the Alliance’s Spencer Service. “We had a remarkable showing of 132 volunteers throughout both days.”

People could also take home ground cover — in biodegradable bags, of course — for their own gardens.

Mulchfest in Prospect Park is one of many projects coordinated by the Sustainability Committee. Interested in getting involved and building a greener community? Meetings are held every third Monday of the month (visit our online calendar to confirm dates), or e-mail