Hunger in New York City is a growing and pervasive problem … and Park Slope is no exception. The shelves at local food pantries are often stripped bare and food kitchens cannot serve all who line up to be fed. But we can do our part to help alleviate this problem.
At the April 3rd board meeting, the Trustees made a commitment to contribute to the efforts of CHIPS, a Park Slope-based nonprofit, that serves the hungry and homeless in Park Slope regardless of their faith, race or ethnicity. During the week, their food kitchen provides more than 250 hot meals daily to hungry individuals. On Fridays, CHIPS distributes a food package to enable those in need to eat over the weekend.
The Trustees have committed to bring food donations to every Trustees’ meeting, which occurs on the first Thursday of every month (except July and August). The location of the meeting is announced in advance. A Trustee has also generously volunteered to deliver the donations to CHIPS the next day.
We extend this invitation to help CHIPS to everyone who attends our board meetings. Please bring non-perishable food items that have not reached their expiration dates. The most useful donations are items that can make a complete meal. Examples are pasta and spaghetti sauce, canned beef stew and rice-a-roni, tuna and mayo, etc. Canned fruits and vegetables are also greatly needed.
Let’s work together to make sure that no one goes to bed hungry in Park Slope.
The next Trustees meeting will be held on May 1, at the Old Stone House, Washington Park, 336 Third Street, Brooklyn where food items may be dropped off between 7PM and approx 8PM.
For more information about the program and goals, please visit the CHIPS website HERE