The Park Slope Civic Council, prompted by a generous donation from an anonymous donor, has over the last several months had tree guards installed along Seventh Avenue. The tree guards enhance the aesthetic of Seventh Avenue and protect and ensure healthy trees, which greatly benefit our community in countless ways. The Civic Council is proud to announce that tree guards currently adorn Seventh Avenue between Union Street and Fifth Street. The company the Civic Council employed for the installation is City Tree Guards. The tree guards are maintenance free, stain resistant and will not rust. Additionally, the flexible modular design provides damage resistance from vehicles and pedestrians. All of us at the Civic Council hope that you enjoy the new tree guards. Should any of our members and readers feel similarly inspired to contribute to the Civic Council’s cause, we invite you to visit our website: www.parkslopeciviccouncil.org. and click on “Join. Renew. Donate.” Enjoy! |