Ten Years Ago in the Slope (…and 20 and 30, Too): May 2011

Civic News is nearing its 75th year of publication. First published by the South Brooklyn Board of Trade in 1938 — which changed its name to the Park Slope Civic Council in the 1960s — the newsletter has reported on events of all sorts around the community.

This is the second in our series of looks back at items of interest printed over the last 10, 20, and 30 years. Here, without comment and almost no editorial alteration, are some of the issues of the spring season in March through May, 1981, 1991, and 2001.

— Tom Miskel is a past Civic Council president, and keeper of the organization’s archives.



22d Annual House Tour Offers New Old Houses, Auxiliary Enticements | Sanders Theater | Carroll Street School Expands | Methodist Hospital Centennial | Electoral District | Park Slope Library Reopens | Second Mortgages | Baltic Street Vacant Lot | Ansonia Bought


Brooklyn ‘Sportsplex’ | A Letter About the Sportsplex |  14th Street Shelter
Volunteer Ambulance Corps | Auto-Free Sundays on Seventh Avenue?


Brooklyn Museum Redesign | Changes at John Jay

 from the May 2011 Civic News