Tom Miskel

Tom Miskel, FormerTrustee

Tom has fond memories of the Park Slope of his youth–a tight-knit working-class neighborhood. “I remember kids playing stickball in the street and girls playing with dolls on their stoops. Everyone knew each other and there was closeness between people.” His parents lived on 8th Street where Tom was raised. “They didn’t call it Park Slope then. It was the Slope or South Brooklyn.” Tom joined the Park Slope Civic Council in 1997 where he has performed in many capacities, including that of President. For several years, he ran the council’s annual Toys for Tots campaign and has also served on the Scholarship, Finance, Grants and Archive Committees.

In addition to his work on the council, Tom is a Board Member of the Prospect Park YMCA and serves on their Finance Committee and Committee on Community House. He is also a Board Member of Saint Savior Catholic Academy and Community Board 6, where he serves on the Landmark Land Use and Permits, Environmental, and Transportation committees. Tom is especially proud of his work on the Scholarship Committee at the Civic Council. “I believe that scholarships and teaching are the basis for all civilization.” Still, it is his memories of his childhood in Park Slope that motivate him. “I got involved to keep Park Slope alive. It’s a way to be invested in where you live, a great way to be part of the neighborhood and learn about what’s going on.” 

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