Jeanette Lee

Jeanette Lee, FormerTrustee and ArtSlope Co-Chair

Jeanette has lived in Park Slope since 1980 and is always amazed at how much it has changed over the years. She is honored to be a part of the Civic Council, which plays a vital role in making Park Slope one of the best neighborhoods in the City. Her background as a city planner and her longtime involvement in volunteering at the wonderful, local public schools (PS 321 and MS 51), led her to join the Civic Council, and she is now encouraging her friends and neighbors to do the same because Park Slope’s future as a diverse and welcoming neighborhood depends on all of our involvement.

Jeanette’s other volunteer activities have included helping out at St. Augustine’s food pantry, volunteering at the local Housing Works, serving seven years on the board of 826 NYC (aka the Superhero Store), and being a founding member of the activist group “We Make America.” Over the last few years she has very much enjoyed working on the Civic Council sponsored ArtSlope, which hosted Park Slope’s first arts festival in 2016 [an inspired initiative of the Civic Council] and which has more recently presented the successful short film festival, Shorts in the Slope.

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