Celebrate Spring by Sweeping the Streets Clean with the Park Slope Civic Council!

Make a clean sweep of our neighborhood by joining the Park Slope Civic Council at the annual spring beautification, recycling and clean-up event – the 2021 Spring Civic Sweep on Sunday, April 25, from 10 am to 2 pm. Our check-in is on 7th Avenue in front of John Jay Educational Campus.
- Bring your unwanted electronics for recycling by the Lower East Side Ecology Center until 4pm: computers, monitors, printers, scanners, keyboards, mice, TVs, VCRs, DVD players, cables, phones, PDAs
- Help pick up litter on the sidewalks of 7th Avenue
- We will provide refreshments, as well as tools and supplies. Volunteers will leave wearing “I Made Park Slope Cleaner Today” stickers. Community Service vouchers will be available.
Many thanks to our Media Partners: Park Slope Parents and Park Slope Neighbors.