Strike Back Against Hunger in NYC: Donate Today
1 in 4 New York City residents are suffering from hunger due to Covid-19 and the loss of their jobs or reduction in their income. It is a striking indicator of the pandemic’s impact on the city’s social fabric.
The crisis is reflected by food pantry shelves that have been picked clean and has been exacerbated by the closing of some pantries and kitchens.
For those of us that have been spared this personal crisis, we can assist by donating to organizations whose mission it is to feed the growing legions of hungry households. Please help to alleviate this hunger crisis.
Donations can be made to one or more of these suggested organizations:
CAMBA Beyond Hunger Food Pantry operates a food pantry just east of Prospect Park.
CityMeals on Wheels delivers meals to the home-bound elderly and during this crisis, may be the only persons to check on the condition of these most vulnerable residents.
City Harvest picks up donated food and delivers it to food pantries throughout the city.
Food Bank for New York City supplies food to hundreds of food pantries throughout the 5 boroughs.
New York Common Pantry is one of the city’s largest food banks operating in Manhattan and the Bronx.
In Park Slope, CHiPS food kitchen is closed but the organization is accepting full home-cooked meals at 200 4th Avenue (between Sackett and Degraw) between 9 am and 4 pm daily. Donors are asked to call 718-237-2962 in advance of delivering food.