On Wednesday, October 21, 2015, the Civic Council hosted Food For Thought, its annual fundraiser benefiting 4 local high school students in the form of college scholarships. At the event, which was held for the fourth consecutive year at the Prospect Park Picnic House, the following video was unveiled, highlighting the scholarship recipients’ community service and aspirations as they embark on their college careers. CLICK HERE to watch the video on your computer or smartphone.
Scholarship recipients in the video include: Bryan Baez of Millennium Brooklyn High School, who is attending the State University of New York at Oswego; Armani Brathwaite, of the Secondary School for Law, who is attending Sienna College; Aissata Moussa, of the Secondary School for Journalism, who is attending Baruch College; and Lisa Suriya, of Park Slope Collegiate, who is attending Barnard College.
For more information on The Park Slope Civic Council Scholarship program, please visit the web page: http://parkslopeciviccouncil.org/scholarships
If you wish to contribute to the scholarship fund, please send your donation to:
Park Slope Civic Council
P.O. Box 172
123 Seventh Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215